George Orwell: Money Pulled Puppet Strings

Posted by admin on Friday, December 9, 2016

George Orwell Money Quote saying about the middle class in ‘Keep the Aspidistra Flying’ – that they are controlled by cash. George Orwell said:
Did they know that they were only puppets dancing when money pulled the strings? You bet they didn’t Quote

“Did they know that they were only puppets dancing when money pulled the strings? You bet they didn’t” — George Orwell


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Orwell is referring to how people’s actions and behaviors can be controlled or influenced by money. He is saying that when people are focused on earning and spending money to survive financially, they essentially become “puppets” whose movements and decisions are dictated by the demands of making and having money.

Orwell suggests that the need and pursuit of cash can override people’s free will and turn them into automatons “dancing” to the tune of financial pressures and obligations. The quote criticizes how being preoccupied with monetary issues may prevent people from truly living as independent

Birthday: June 25, 1903 – Death: January 25, 1950

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