George Eastman: Money Heap Up
on Friday, July 12, 2019George Eastman Money Quote saying why wait until old and feeble to enjoy wealth? Picture having fun early instead. George Eastman said:
“If a man has wealth, he has to make a choice, because there is the money heaping up. He can keep it together in a bunch, and then leave it for others to administer after he is dead. Or he can get it into action and have fun, while he is still alive” — George Eastman
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In this quote, George Eastman seems to be advising what wealthy individuals should do with their accumulated money while they are alive. He suggests there are two options – either keep the money “together in a bunch” and leave it to be administered by others after death, or “get it into action and have fun” while still living.
Eastman implies the latter choice is preferable, seeing wealth as something meant to be actively used for enjoyment and purpose during one’s lifetime rather than simply preserved intact and passed down after death.
His view conveys that the truly wise use of wealth is to put it to work generating benefits, opportunities and experiences while the person who earned it is around to enjoy the fruits of their success, not leaving it idle or for others to control and utilize after passing away.
Birthday: July 12, 1854 – March 14, 1932