George Dennison Prentice: Ingenuity Debt

Posted by admin on Wednesday, June 13, 2018

George Dennison Prentice Money Quote saying we can be ingenious getting into debt, but must be just as clever to escape it. George Dennison Prentice said:
Ingenious getting into debt and just as clever to escape it Quote

“Some people use one half their ingenuity to get into debt, and the other half to avoid paying it” — George Dennison Prentice


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This quote from George Dennison Prentice suggests that some individuals put significant effort into accumulating debt obligations through creative means, but then apply an equal amount of cleverness into evading repayment of what they owe. Some key points in interpreting his perspective:

  • Prentice implies that for some, taking on debt is almost an art form involving ingenuity, but avoiding fulfilling commitments shows equal innovation.
  • He portrays a viewpoint that sees debt acquisition as carefully engineered but debt service as something to escape through clever maneuvers.
  • However, reasonable experts acknowledge that while debt poses risks if misused, prudent leverage combined with emergency savings can enable important goals for some individuals if managed responsibly as part of a holistic financial strategy.
  • A balanced interpretation is that Prentice’s quote reflects skepticism of irresponsible debt practices, but the best path for individuals depends on their priorities, budgets, market conditions and how credit fits into a long-term financial plan.

Overall, the quote conveys Prentice’s perspective that taking on debt demands resourcefulness matched by equal effort to shirk obligations. But the best analysis considers this viewpoint alongside others, recognizing that responsible use of credit for some large, planned purchases complements savings and financial discipline for achieving long-term goals, while debt avoidance suits other temperaments and situations equally well according to personal risk tolerance and needs over the lifetime. Multiple reasonable viewpoints exist in ongoing discussions of these complex topics.

Birthday: December 18, 1802 – Death: January 22, 1870

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