Keith Davis: Allocating Budget Expenditures

Posted by admin on Monday, March 21, 2011

Funny Money Quotes: Running out of budget can be rationalized by claiming the money wasn’t properly allocated by failing to foresee this very shortfall. Keith Davis said:
We didn't actually overspend our budget. The allocation simply fell short of our expenditure Quote

“We didn’t actually overspend our budget. The allocation simply fell short of our expenditure” — Keith Davis


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Keith Davis seems to be making light of going over budget by using euphemistic language. When a budget is “overspent”, it implies poor financial planning or mismanagement of funds.

However, Davis recasts this by saying the budget’s “allocation simply fell short of our expenditure”, which suggests the spending was reasonable and unavoidable given the actual costs incurred.

In other words, Davis is playfully acknowledging that expenses exceeded the planned budget, but does so in a way that downplays responsibility by portraying the overage as due to an insufficient rather than excessive allocation of funds.

The quote aims to put a positive spin on overspending through clever wording that downplays accountability.

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