Matt Groening: Inspire Terror with Money
on Sunday, June 24, 2012Matt Groening Money Quotation saying Everyone values money for different reasons and uses it toward different ends – some to be funny, some to incite fear. Matt Groening said:
“What good is money if it can’t inspire terror in your fellow man?” — Matt Groening
The quote “What good is money if it can’t inspire terror in your fellow man?” by Matt Groening is said in a tongue-in-cheek, satirical manner. Groening is poking fun at the idea that some see the accumulation of wealth as a means to assert dominance or influence over others through intimidation or fear.
However, the quote implies that using money to deliberately terrorize people would be unethical. Rather than interpreting it literally, Groening appears to be making a comedic commentary on the mindsets of those who view financial success primarily as a tool for one-upmanship over their peers rather than for more constructive purposes that create genuine value and help others.
Overall, the intent seems to be ironic rather than a serious endorsement of frightening people as a goal of earning money.