George Burns: In Bed to Make Money

Posted by admin on Friday, February 25, 2011

Funny Money Quotes: Laziness doesn’t pay because nobody will pay you for lounging, sleeping or dreaming in your bed unless you provide some value there to make money. George Burns said:
Don’t stay in bed, unless you can make money in bed Quote

“Don’t stay in bed, unless you can make money in bed” — George Burns


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This humorous quote from comedian George Burns suggests that the only acceptable reason to remain in bed is if one is able to generate income while lying there.

The best interpretation is that laziness and leisure have their place, but true financial independence comes from being productive.

While rest is important, long-term success requires channeling our time and talents into work that creates value for others through service, sales or innovation.

This quote serves as a reminder of the relationship between proactivity, career longevity and wealth-building – that ambition and effort, even if uncomfortable at times, are necessary to profitability and maintaining a livelihood.

Birthday: January 20, 1896 – Death: March 9, 1996

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