Elon Musk: Time Ultimate Value

Posted by admin on Monday, June 27, 2022

Meaning of Elon Musk Money Quote: saying time has more value and having more makes anyone richer than those with only cash. Elon Musk said:
Time is the ultimate currency Quote

“Time is the ultimate currency” — Elon Musk


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In this quote, Elon Musk seems to be suggesting that time is the most valuable commodity or “currency” that people have. When he refers to time as the “ultimate currency”, Musk appears to mean that time is more important than money, as we cannot make more time but we can always make or earn more money.

The quote implies that Musk views time as extremely precious and finite, seeing it as our most scarce and non-renewable resource. So in summary, this statement means Musk believes time is more important than financial wealth, and that we should spend and invest our time wisely as it is our most valuable currency in life.

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