Elizabeth Warren: We Work for Big Pharma?

Posted by admin on Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Elizabeth Warren Money Quote saying in a floor speech opposing the 21st Century Cures Act, which includes corrupt giveaways for big pharma as well as good legislation. Elizabeth Warren said:
Does the senate work for big pharma that hires lobbyists and people who make giant campaign contributions, or does the senate work for the American people who actually sent us here? Quote

“Does the senate work for big pharma that hires lobbyists and people who make giant campaign contributions, or does the senate work for the American people who actually sent us here?”


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In this quote, Elizabeth Warren is directly challenging who the Senate represents and works for. Some key points:

  • She poses the question of whether the Senate works for “big pharma” companies that employ lobbyists and make large political donations.
  • Or, does the Senate work for “the American people who actually sent us here” through elections.
  • Warren appears to be implying the Senate is more responsive to pharmaceutical industry influence campaigns than the voters who elected Senators.
  • She is calling out the industry’s lobbying and campaign contributions as a way to gain political influence and question whose interests the Senate prioritizes.
  • Overall, the quote frames it as a choice – does the Senate serve big donors and lobby groups, or the American public? Warren suggests the former has more sway currently.


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