Elizabeth Warren: 32 Outspent 3.7 Million

Posted by admin on Monday, February 1, 2016

In 2012 about 3.7 million Americans gave modest donations under $200 to President Obama and Mitt Romney. Those donations add up to three hundred and thirteen million dollars. In the same election 32 people gave monster donations to super PACs. 32 people spent slightly more on the 2012 elections than the 3.7 million people who sent modest dollar donations to their preferred presidential candidate

When 32 people can outspend 3.7 million citizens it's pretty obvious that democracy is in real danger Quote

“When 32 people can outspend 3.7 million citizens it’s pretty obvious that democracy is in real danger” — Elizabeth Warren


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In this quote, Elizabeth Warren is criticizing the influence of large political donations on democracy. She argues that when a small number of donors (32 people in this case) can outspend millions of ordinary citizens, it shows that wealthy special interests have too much sway over the political process.

Warren is suggesting that this imbalance of political influence poses a real threat to the principles of democracy, which are meant to give equal representation and consideration to all citizens regardless of wealth or social status. The quote expresses Warren’s view that campaign finance laws need reform to curb the disproportionate influence of large donations from a tiny fraction of the population.

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