El Fuego: Sunset & Sunrise for Sale

Posted by admin on Thursday, February 22, 2018

El Fuego Money Quote saying those things of beauty that we cannot buy would make us spend the most to attain them. El Fuego said:
If the sunset & sunrise are for sale, I will buy it even it's expensive Quote

“If the sunset and sunrise are for sale, I will buy it even it’s expensive” — El Fuego


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In this quote, El Fuego is expressing how highly they value witnessing the beauty of sunsets and sunrises.

By stating that they would be willing to purchase sunsets and sunrises even if it was an expensive price, El Fuego is conveying that experiencing the magnificence of these natural phenomena is so meaningful and important to them that they would pay a high cost to be able to see and enjoy them.

The quote suggests that El Fuego finds sunsets and sunrises to be deeply moving and meaningful sights in life that are worth investing in, regardless of the financial expense required. Overall, El Fuego is emphasizing how much they treasure the visual splendor of these daily events in nature.

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