Edward Dahlberg: Cruel Idol Lucre

Posted by admin on Friday, June 3, 2022

Edward Dahlberg Money Quote saying Americans worship money and are an unusually cold group of people. Edward Dahlberg said:
Americans who are rapidly becoming the coldest in the world because of this cruel, man-eating idol, lucre Quote

“There is a strange and mighty race of people called the Americans who are rapidly becoming the coldest in the world because of this cruel, man-eating idol, lucre” — Edward Dahlberg


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In this quote, Edward Dahlberg is criticizing the increasing focus on money and wealth accumulation among Americans. By referring to “lucre”, an archaic word meaning money or profit, he suggests Americans are becoming obsessed with earning and acquiring more. Dahlberg sees this pursuit of financial gain as making Americans “colder” or less compassionate and more self-interested over time.

He appears to believe that prioritizing profits and wealth above all else risks damaging human qualities like empathy, kindness and care for others. The overall interpretation is that Dahlberg viewed the growing idolization of money, which he calls a “cruel, man-eating idol”, as negatively impacting the character of Americans and making them less warm and more indifferent in their interactions and priorities.

Birthday: July 22, 1900 – Death: February 27, 1977

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