Desiderius Erasmus: Abundance Sin

Posted by admin on Monday, August 24, 2020

Desiderius Erasmus Money Quote saying it is sinful to amass great wealth and more so to keep that financial gain. Desiderius Erasmus said:
Great abundance of riches cannot be gathered and kept by any man without sin Quote

“Great abundance of riches cannot be gathered and kept by any man without sin” — Desiderius Erasmus


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In this quote, Desiderius Erasmus seems to be conveying skepticism about the moral compatibility of amassing great wealth. By stating that “great abundance of riches cannot be gathered and kept by any man without sin”, Erasmus implies that acquiring and holding onto immense fortunes likely involves compromising one’s principles or exploiting others to some degree through actions like greed, dishonesty, or lack of charity.

The quote portrays Erasmus’ perspective that immense wealth concentration is rarely achieved fully ethically due to human tendencies towards vice when pursuing riches without restraint. Overall, Erasmus appears to be arguing that great personal fortunes require behaviors or systems of some impropriety for their accumulation and preservation at such massive scales, as total probity seems difficult to maintain when vast resources are at stake.

Birthday: October c. 28, 1466 – Death: July 12, 1536

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