Dave Ramsey: In Debt? You are Owned

Posted by admin on Sunday, February 18, 2018

Dave Ramsey Money Quote saying once you move into debt, you’ve altered the course of your life by becoming owned and controlled by what you owe. Dave Ramsey said:
Debt alters the course and condition of your life. You no longer own it. You are owned Quote

“The decision to go into debt alters the course and condition of your life. You no longer own it. You are owned” — Dave Ramsey


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This Dave Ramsey quote is saying he believes taking on debt, and that debt fundamentally changes the trajectory and circumstances of one’s life in a negative way. By stating that debt alters your life’s “course and condition,” and that when in debt you “no longer own” your life but are instead “owned,” Ramsey is suggesting that becoming indebted relinquishes a degree of autonomy and control over one’s own future.

His quote implies that being a debtor subjects you to the terms set by your lenders and shifts your life path in ways that may not have otherwise occurred without debt obligations. Overall, Ramsey appears to be strongly warning that debt diminishes personal freedom and that debtors in essence lose ownership over the direction of their own lives.

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