Criss Jami: Less Likely Money Mouth

Posted by admin on Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Criss Jami Money Quote saying that if we are known to take action on our promises, we will rarely need to put money behind our professing talk. Criss Jami said:
Putting actions where our mouth is means less likely to have to put your money where your mouth is Quote

“Putting your actions where your mouth is makes you less likely to have to put your money where your mouth is” — Criss Jami


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In this quote, Criss Jami appears to be saying that backing up your words with deeds makes it less necessary to back them up with money or other compensation later on. He implies that if a person follows through on what they say by taking appropriate actions, they are less prone to find themselves in a situation where they feel obligated to provide some form of reparation or payment for failed promises.

In essence, Jami suggests it is better to demonstrate the validity of one’s statements through concrete actions rather than empty words, as this reduces the likelihood of having to make amends financially or otherwise down the road for pledges not fulfilled. The quote conveys that walking the walk is preferable to just talking the talk.

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