Crazy Horse: Do Not Sell the Earth

Posted by admin on Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Crazy Horse Money Quote saying the planet is not for sale. Crazy Horse said:
One does not sell the earth upon which the people walk Quote

“One does not sell the earth upon which the people walk” — Crazy Horse


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In this quote, Crazy Horse is expressing the importance of preserving the land and natural environment for future generations. By stating that “one does not sell the earth upon which the people walk”, he indicates that the land is sacred and should not be commodified or exploited solely for economic purposes.

Crazy Horse appears to believe that the land holds value beyond mere financial worth, as it provides resources like water, food and shelter that sustain life. His perspective conveys an obligation to be responsible stewards of the earth rather than treating it as a disposable commodity.

Overall, the quote reflects a reverence for the natural world and philosophy that the land should be protected for community well-being rather than exploited for short-term profit alone.

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