Confucius: Economize or You’ll Agonize
on Monday, November 23, 2015Meaning of Confucius Money Quotation: saying being economical and frugal saves one from the agony of empty pockets. Confucius said:
“He who will not economize will have to agonize” — Confucius
In this concise quote, Confucius seems to be advising that practicing economy, or living within one’s means through careful management of resources, is important to avoid future hardship or “agonizing”.
He implies that those who do not economize by spending prudently and avoiding waste will ultimately have to endure difficulties, wants or stresses as a consequence of overextending themselves financially.
Confucius appears to be recommending frugality and restraint as virtues that can spare people problems down the line. The quote conveys his view that economizing enables stability and security, while profligacy breeds potential troubles to “agonize” over.
Overall, Confucius advocates moderation and thrift as means of self-protection from economic distress.
Birthday: c. 551 – Death: c. 479 BCE