Colin Wright on Chasing Passion
on Thursday, August 29, 2013Colin Wright Money Quotation saying pursuing what we love brings financial rewards but blindly pursuing cash means we’re never doing what we love to do. Colin Wright said
“Chase your passions and money will come. Chase money and you may never find your passions” — Colin Wright
In this quote, Colin Wright is advising people that their priorities in life and work should be focused on pursuing their genuine interests and passions rather than primarily chasing financial gain. He suggests that by dedicating oneself fully to developing mastery in areas one truly cares about, monetary rewards will follow as a natural consequence over time.
However, Wright implies that an overriding focus on accumulating wealth as the main goal may prevent one from discovering their true callings and sources of fulfillment. The quote conveys Wright’s perspective that happiness, career satisfaction and prosperity are best achieved by leading with passion rather than placing money at the center of one’s ambitions and efforts.
Birthday: October 10, 1867 – December 14, 1952