Christopher Columbus: Riches Make Busier

Posted by admin on Monday, October 9, 2017

Christopher Columbus Money Quote saying you’ll need to plan on getting busy when you are rich, because wealth requires attention and action to maintain. Christopher Columbus said:
Riches don't make a man rich, they only make him busier Quote

Riches don’t make a man rich, they only make him busier” — Christopher Columbus


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In this quote, Christopher Columbus is suggesting that wealth does not necessarily equate to inner prosperity or fulfillment. By stating riches only make one “busier” rather than truly “rich”, Columbus implies that monetary gains often serve to preoccupy and over-commit their owner through increased responsibilities and obligations, rather than provide true satisfaction.

The interpretation is that Columbus viewed wealth as bringing more workload than well-being, since maintaining and growing significant assets requires extensive effort that replaces leisure with “busyness”, leaving little time simply to enjoy riches or be truly at ease. His message conveys a perspective that great wealth may replace peace of mind with constant preoccupation managing one’s expanded affairs and commitments.

According to Columbus, being rich in the deepest sense of the word is a state of inner contentment that money alone does not necessarily guarantee or is often at odds with.

Birthday: August 25, and October 31, 1451 – Death: May 20, 1506

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