Chris Mawbey: Price For Living

Posted by admin on Tuesday, December 5, 2023

Meaning of Chris Mawbey Money Quote: saying we pay the price to grow old but aren’t required to grow up. Chris Mawbey said:

Growing old is the price you pay for living. Growing up is optional Quote

“Growing old is the price you pay for living. Growing up is optional” — Chris Mawbey


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In this quote, Chris Mawbey is making a distinction between two aspects of aging and maturity. By saying “Growing old is the price you pay for living”, he means that aging physically over time and experiencing the effects of age is an inevitable part of being alive and something everyone must go through as the years pass.

However, he then states that “Growing up is optional”, suggesting that maturing emotionally and gaining wisdom is not an automatic process that comes with age. Rather, Mawbey seems to be arguing that people can choose whether or not to truly grow up and develop greater psychological maturity as they get older, or remain more childlike in their perspectives and behaviors even into later life.

So the quote conveys that growing old of the body is unavoidable with longevity, but growing up mentally is a choice one makes or does not make over the course of their years.

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