Chester A. Arthur on Measure of Tax Evil
on Tuesday, April 14, 2015Chester A. Arthur Money Quotation saying taxation hurts those who make the least more, so they feel it more. Chester A. Arthur said:
“The extravagant expenditure of public money is an evil not to be measured by the value of that money to the people who are taxed for it” — Chester A. Arthur
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In this quote, former U.S. President Chester A. Arthur is expressing concern about excessive government spending and the costs it imposes on taxpayers. His perspective seems to be that wasteful outlays of public funds should not be judged solely based on the aggregate dollar amounts, but rather by their impact on citizens who ultimately finance such spending through taxes.
Arthur appears to believe that even if expenditure amounts seem small in total, they still represent a burden and “evil” imposed on individual taxpayers. The quote conveces Arthur’s view that fiscal responsibility requires considering not just budget line items, but also their true costs dispersed among members of the public who work to fill government coffers.
He seems to argue for prudent spending and accountability and against dismissing profligacy concerns due to a focus only on top-line budget figures.
Birthday: October 5, 1829 – Death: November 18, 1886