Charo: Spanish Speak English Bank
on Tuesday, January 15, 2019Charo Money Quote saying that speaking her native tongue at home is the norm, but she switches to English when she does her banking. Charo said:
“We talk Spanish at home and switch to English only when we need it. Like when we go to the bank to get some money” — Charo
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In this quote, Spanish entertainer Charo is describing how her family communicates at home versus in public settings. Some key points:
- She notes that at home, her preferred and default language used is Spanish, which she speaks with relatives.
- However, Charo mentions that when carrying out tasks outside the house that require interacting with others, like conducting financial business at a bank, they will “switch to English.”
- This implies that although Spanish is her first language culturally, she recognizes the need to use English in American situations like requesting money from a teller where the other party may not understand Spanish.
Overall, the quote conveys that while Charo embraces her Spanish linguistic heritage in private life, she is pragmatic about using English when necessary for practical communication purposes like performing transactions at an English-dominant business. It shows her balancing cultural and situational language norms.