Charlie Chaplin: Business Grew Art

Posted by admin on Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Charlie Chaplin Money Quote saying he became a movie star to become wealthy and produced art as a consequence. Charlie Chaplin said:
I went into the business for the money, and the art grew out of it. If people are disillusioned by that remark, I can't help it. It's the truth Quote

“I went into the business for the money, and the art grew out of it. If people are disillusioned by that remark, I can’t help it. It’s the truth” — Charlie Chaplin


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This quote from Charlie Chaplin suggests that while he initially pursued a career in entertainment and film primarily for financial gain, his artistic talents and passion for filmmaking grew out of that initial motivation over time.

The best interpretation is that Chaplin is candidly acknowledging that money was his initial driving force, but through the process of creating his films, he developed a deep appreciation for the art of cinema as well.

So while he entered the field for monetary reasons at first, his craft evolved into a true art form for him as his skills and vision progressed.

The quote reflects how artistic callings can sometimes emerge unexpectedly from pragmatic beginnings, and shows Chaplin’s willingness to openly share his humble origins despite potential criticism.

Birthday: April 16, 1889 – December 25, 1977

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