Charles M. Blow: Trump a Financial Leech

Posted by admin on Saturday, August 25, 2018

Charles M. Blow Money Quote saying Trump sees the presidency as a way to enrich himself and his family. Charles M. Blow said:
Trump will continue to leech as much personal financial advantage as he can from the flesh of the American public. Quote

“Trump will continue to leech as much personal financial advantage as he can from the flesh of the American public. That’s who Trump is. America elected a parasite” — Charles M. Blow


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In this quote, Charles M. Blow is strongly criticizing former President Donald Trump and his approach to holding public office. Blow suggests that Trump will constantly seek to “leech as much personal financial advantage as he can” and drain the American people (“the flesh of the American public”) of resources for his own gain, rather than governing for their benefit.

He describes Trump as a “parasite” – implying Trump exploits his position of power for selfish enrichment rather than serving the interests of citizens. The overall interpretation is that Blow is accusing Trump of only being interested in profiteering from the presidency and seeing Americans as a means to financially support himself, rather than acting as a true public servant according to Blow’s view.

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