Archive for the ‘finance’ Category

Bankers and leaders in the finance industry seem to be very tight lipped about what goes on inside banking. Here’s what politicians, comedians and just a few bank regulators have to say about banks.

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Shakespeare – Paying Back

Posted by admin on Monday, November 11, 2024

Meaning of Money Quote: saying “The increase in funds passing through Washington, along with its expanding authority to control our lives, has led to a massive surge in chances for corruption, influence trading, and taking shortcuts. It’s a known fact that power can foster corruption.” said:
William Shakespeare -


“O I do not like that paying back, ’tis a double labor” – William Shakespeare


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“O I do not like that paying back, ’tis a double labor,” suggests the Shakespear’s dislike towards the idea of reciprocating or repaying a favor or debt. The phrase “double labor” implies that the effort required to return the favor is as significant as the original action, or perhaps even more strenuous, creating a sense of reluctance or disinclination.

Steve Forbes – Graft Influence

Posted by admin on Monday, November 11, 2024

Meaning of Steve Forbes Money Quote: saying As more money flowed through Washington and as Washington’s power to regulate our lives grew, opportunities and temptations for graft, influence peddling and cutting corners grew exponentially. Power breeds corruption.. Steve Forbes said:
Steve Forbes As more money flowed through Washington and as Washington's power to regulate our lives grew, opportunities and temptations for graft, influence peddling and cutting corners grew exponentially. Power breeds corruption.
~ Steve Forbes


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Steve Forbes’ quote highlights the idea that as more money circulates through Washington and its regulatory power expands, the chances for corruption, influence peddling, and taking shortcuts multiply significantly. The quote underlines the notion that power itself tends to cultivate corruption.


Robert Anthony – Money Unhappy

Posted by admin on Saturday, November 9, 2024

Meaning of Robert Anthony Money Quote: saying “Money cannot guarantee happiness, but it can help alleviate numerous factors contributing to unhappiness.” Robert Anthony said:
Robert Anthony Money cannot make you happy, but it can get rid of many of the things that make you unhappy.
~ Robert Anthony


Money cannot make you happy, but it can get rid of many of the things that make you unhappy.” — Robert Anthony


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Robert Anthony’s quote acknowledges that money cannot directly purchase happiness, but it can help eliminate or reduce several factors contributing to unhappiness. Money can provide financial security, access to better resources, and opportunities for personal growth, which can indirectly lead to increased happiness. However, it’s essential to maintain a balanced perspective and not rely solely on wealth for happiness, as other factors like relationships, health, and personal fulfillment also play crucial roles in overall well-being.

Robert Anthony – Money Allow

Posted by admin on Friday, November 8, 2024

Meaning of Robert Anthony Money Quote: saying “You’ll always restrict the amount of money you allow yourself to possess, based on your perceived worth.” Robert Anthony said:
You will never let yourself have more money than you think you deserve. Robert Anthony


“You will never let yourself have more money than you think you deserve. Robert Anthony” — Robert Anthony


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Robert Anthony’s quote suggests that an individual’s financial situation can be influenced by their self-perceived worth. If someone doesn’t believe they deserve a substantial amount of money, they may unconsciously or consciously prevent themselves from accumulating wealth. This quote encourages self-reflection and personal growth to overcome limiting beliefs and improve one’s financial situation.

Earl Wilson – Money Toothpaste

Posted by admin on Thursday, November 7, 2024

Meaning of Earl Wilson Money Quote: saying “Earned money, once spent, is as difficult to recover as toothpaste squeezed out of its tube.” Earl Wilson said:
Earl Wilson Money in the bank is like toothpaste in the tube. Easy to take out, hard to put back. ~ Earl Wilson


Money in the bank is like toothpaste in the tube. Easy to take out, hard to put back.” — Earl Wilson


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Earl Wilson’s quote highlights the ease of spending money compared to the difficulty of earning or saving it. The analogy between money in the bank and toothpaste in the tube suggests that, just as toothpaste can be quickly squeezed out and is challenging to put back, money can be easily spent and recovered only with great effort. This quote encourages responsible spending habits and careful financial management.

John Gray – Knowledge Learning

Posted by admin on Thursday, November 7, 2024

Meaning of John Gray Money Quote: saying The pursuit of knowledge is as valuable as the knowledge itself, and the process of earning is as important as the actual reward. John Gray said:
John Gray As precious as knowledge itself is the learning. As precious as any reward is the earning. John Gray


“As precious as knowledge itself is the learning. As precious as any reward is the earning.” — John Gray


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John Gray’s quote highlights the importance of both the learning process and the act of earning. It suggests that the journey of acquiring knowledge and skills is as valuable as the knowledge itself, and the experience of earning rewards or achievements is as precious as the rewards themselves. This quote encourages individuals to appreciate the process and effort that goes into learning and earning, rather than solely focusing on the end results.

Francis Bacon – Money Servant

Posted by admin on Thursday, November 7, 2024

Meaning of Francis Bacon Money Quote: saying Money is an excellent ally when utilized properly, but a hazardous commander when given too much power. Francis Bacon said:
Francis Bacon Money is a good servant, a dangerous master

“Money is a good servant, a dangerous master.” — Francis Bacon

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Francis Bacon’s quote suggests that money can be a valuable tool when used wisely and kept under control, helping individuals achieve their goals and aspirations. However, when money becomes the primary focus or master, it can lead to dangerous consequences, potentially causing people to act selfishly or recklessly in their pursuit of wealth. This quote encourages responsible financial management and maintaining a balanced perspective on material possessions.

John Adams – Riches Attract

Posted by admin on Wednesday, November 6, 2024

Meaning of John Adams Money Quote: saying “Wealth tends to draw people’s interest, acknowledgment, and praise.” John Adams said:
John Adams Riches attract attention, consideration, and congratulations of mankind

Riches attract attention, consideration, and congratulations of mankind.” ~ John Adams

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John Adams’ quote highlights the fact that wealth tends to draw attention, gain recognition, and receive approval from society. This observation implies that people often respect and appreciate material success, which can lead to various social benefits. However, it doesn’t necessarily mean that wealth is the most important or fulfilling aspect of life.

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