Cage the Elephant: No Rest for Wicked

Posted by admin on Monday, April 30, 2018

Lyrics by Cage the Elephant Lyrics saying we need to justify to ourselves and to others how we live our life and how we choose to pay for our existence. Lyrics:
Money don't grow on trees, we got bills to pay, mouths to feed, nothing in this world for free Quote

“Oh there ain’t no rest for the wicked, Money don’t grow on trees, We got bills to pay, we got mouths to feed, There ain’t nothing in this world for free, Oh no we can’t slow down, we can’t hold back, Though you know we wish we could, Oh no there ain’t no rest for the wicked, Until we close our eyes for good” — Lyrics by Cage the Elephant


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These lyrics from Cage the Elephant convey the challenging realities and pressures of living without much financial security or leisure time. The lines “Money don’t grow on trees, We got bills to pay, we got mouths to feed, There ain’t nothing in this world for free” illustrate the need to work constantly just to cover basic costs of living with no room for rest.

The lyrics suggest that for those who are struggling or “wicked” in this economic system, there is “no rest” as they must keep striving and toiling without pause. Even if they want to “slow down” or “hold back,” they feel they cannot do so.

The overall interpretation is that the lyrics speak to the exhaustion and lack of work-life balance that often comes with living paycheck to paycheck or in poverty, where constant labor is required by economic circumstances and “there ain’t no rest for the wicked.”

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