Burton Wheeler on Humanity Above the Dollar

Posted by admin on Sunday, September 29, 2013

Burton K Wheeler Money Quotation saying in his crusade against corporate influence pedaling in Montana politics that people matter more than money. Burton K Wheeler said:
Gentlemen, we stand only to place humanity above the dollar Quote

“Gentlemen, we stand only to place humanity above the dollar” — Burton K Wheeler


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In this quote, Burton K Wheeler is advocating for a moral stance that prioritizes people over profits. By saying “we stand only to place humanity above the dollar”, Wheeler is arguing that decisions should be made based on serving human well-being rather than financial interests alone.

He implies that policies and actions should aim to benefit citizens and society, even if it means sacrificing some potential monetary gains. The quote conveys Wheeler’s view that political and business leaders have a duty to elevate humanitarian concerns over naked accumulation of wealth when the two motives conflict.

Overall, Wheeler appears to be promoting a philosophy that judges success by social impact rather than dollar signs.

Birthday: February 27, 1882 – Death: January 6, 1975

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