Brian Dennehy: Work for Peanuts

Posted by admin on Thursday, April 16, 2020

Brian Dennehy Money Quote saying major stars get the bulk of the money on movies, which forces working actors to accept leftovers. Brian Dennehy said:
As the stars make more and more money - one person gets $12 million, $14 million, $15 million, $20 million - everyone else is expected to work for peanuts Quote

“As the stars make more and more money – one person gets $12 million, $14 million, $15 million, $20 million – everyone else is expected to work for peanuts” — Brian Dennehy


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In this quote, Brian Dennehy seems to be criticizing the growing disparity between top Hollywood salaries and compensation for other workers in the film industry. By noting that as some “stars make more and more money”, reaching tens of millions of dollars per role, he implies this is outpacing wages for other crew and cast.

His statement that “everyone else is expected to work for peanuts” conveys Dennehy’s perspective that while a lucky few command exorbitant pay, most in the industry face stagnant or declining incomes in comparison despite working just as hard.

Overall, the quote portrays Dennehy’s view that rising inequality is occurring within the entertainment world, with enormous rewards going to a select few while ordinary workers struggle on “peanut” wages that fail to keep pace with inflation or rising productivity.

Birthday: July 9, 1938 – Death: April 15, 2020

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