Bill Browder: Investment Fund Justice

Posted by admin on Saturday, September 9, 2017

Bill Browder Money Quote saying working to bring about justice with Putin sanctions in Russia via the Magnitsky Act is more satisfying than working as an investment fund manager. Bill Browder said:
Campaigning for justice more satisfying than money Quote

“I enjoyed my life as an investment fund manager but it does not resonate with your soul in the way campaigning for justice does. It is infinitely more satisfying fighting for justice than money” — Bill Browder


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In this quote, Bill Browder is reflecting on his career shift from being an investment fund manager to an advocate for justice and human rights. He acknowledges that while managing financial investments provided a good life, it did not fulfill him or “resonate with his soul” in the same way that campaigning for justice has.

Browder suggests fighting for justice through activism is “infinitely more satisfying” than pursuing money through finance work. In essence, the quote conveys Browder found greater meaning and purpose in championing human rights and working to establish justice after experiencing the limitations of focusing solely on wealth accumulation through investment management.

He appears to believe making a positive difference in the world is much more personally fulfilling than profit alone.

#WorldDayForInternationalJustice July 17


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