Bernard Baruch on Premature Selling
on Saturday, July 19, 2014Bernard Baruch Money Quotation saying investors worry too much about premature sales of assets when the strategy simply works. Bernard Baruch said:
“I made my money by selling too soon” — Bernard Baruch
This quote suggests that Bernard Baruch achieved financial success by selling his investments and realizing profits early, rather than waiting too long in hopes of even higher gains.
The implication is that taking profits at a reasonable point, rather than being greedy and trying to maximize returns indefinitely, allowed Baruch to consistently “make his money” through a strategy of not being too aggressive and taking on unnecessary risk by holding positions for excessive periods of time.
The message is that it’s better to capture a good profit and redeploy capital into new opportunities, rather than always striving for the maximum theoretical profit and potentially losing out by waiting too long to sell.
Birthday: August 19, 1870 – Death: June 20, 1965