Barack Obama: Top of Economic Pyramid

Posted by admin on Monday, September 10, 2018

Barack Obama Money Quote saying the economic recovery has skewed the wealth even further toward the wealthy and those already at the top. Barack Obama said:

 As wages slowed and inequality accelerated, those at the top of the economic pyramid have been able to influence government to skew things even more in their direction Quote

“As wages slowed and inequality accelerated, those at the top of the economic pyramid have been able to influence government to skew things even more in their direction” — Barack Obama


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In this quote, Barack Obama is criticizing how growing economic inequality and stagnating wages for many Americans have allowed those at the very top of the income scale to wield disproportionate influence over government.

He argues that as the pay gap between ordinary workers and the wealthy widened, the richest individuals have used their means to shape policies that further entrench their advantages. Obama appears to believe this skewing of rules and systems has occurred to the detriment of average citizens.

Overall, the quote aims to highlight how unequal growth in incomes and wealth has translated into an imbalance of political power that benefits corporate and financial elites over the general public according to Obama.

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