Barack Obama: Subsidize Taxpayer Dollars

Posted by admin on Sunday, September 9, 2018

Barack Obama Money Quote saying Republicans are giving tax breaks to corporations with tax cuts and deregulating lenders who prey on vulnerable borrowers. Barack Obama said:
They’re subsidizing corporate polluters with taxpayer dollars, allowing dishonest lenders to take advantage of veterans and students and consumers again Quote

“They’re subsidizing corporate polluters with taxpayer dollars, allowing dishonest lenders to take advantage of veterans and students and consumers again” — Barack Obama


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In this quote, Barack Obama appears to be criticizing certain policies of the opposing political party. Some key points:

  • He refers to “subsidizing corporate polluters with taxpayer dollars”, likely meaning industries that receive government funds despite contributing to environmental damage.
  • Obama also mentions “allowing dishonest lenders to take advantage of veterans and students and consumers again”. This suggests a view that predatory lending practices were not being adequately checked.
  • His reference to “again” implies Obama felt reforms had been rolled back that had previously curbed exploitative behavior targeting vulnerable groups.

Overall, Obama seems to be arguing that certain political decisions inappropriately use public money in ways that negatively impact taxpayers, such as by supporting industries that pollute or failing to enforce protections against predatory financial schemes targeting groups like military veterans and students. The quote portrays Obama’s perspective that such policies misallocate resources and enable harming certain communities.

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