Arne Garborg: Shell but Not the Kernel

Posted by admin on Thursday, February 4, 2016

Arne Garborg Money Quotation saying appearances can be had for cash, but not the core of things represented by the wrapper. Arne Garborg said:
The shell of all things you can get for money. But not the kernel. That cannot be had for money Quote

“The shell of all things you can get for money. But not the kernel. That cannot be had for money” — Arne Garborg


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In this quote, Arne Garborg is making a distinction between the superficial, surface-level aspects of things that can be obtained through financial means, versus the deeper, intrinsic essence that money cannot buy. Specifically, he refers to the “shell” as representing outward appearances and tangible attributes that are commercially available or transactional in nature.

However, Garborg notes that the ineffable “kernel” – referring to things like true meaning, purpose or spirit – lies beyond the reach of currency and material wealth. In essence, the quote suggests that while money provides access to external trappings, it cannot purchase intangibles like knowledge, wisdom, enlightenment or inner fulfillment that form the core of human experience.

Birthday: 25 January 1851 – 14 January 1924

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