Anthony Trollope: Squabbling for Money
on Sunday, July 24, 2016Anthony Trollope Money Quote saying if good people didn’t pick fights over money with dishonest people, we’d see the bad guys carry away the bulk of the dough.
“If honest men did not squabble for money in this wicked world of ours, the dishonest men would get it all and I do not see that the cause of virtue would be much improved” — Anthony Trollope
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In this quote, Anthony Trollope is suggesting that while honest men may squabble or compete for money, if they did not, then dishonest men would accumulate all the wealth instead.
Trollope implies that some level of competition, even if it involves squabbling over money, helps ensure that not all the wealth ends up in the hands of the dishonest. In other words, he sees competition between honest men as preferable to leaving the field clear for the dishonest to amass money and power without restraint.
Birthday: April 24, 1815 – December 6, 1882
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