Anthony Robbins: Pay Loan Interest

Posted by admin on Thursday, September 14, 2023

Meaning of Anthony Robbins Money Quote: saying The secret to bankers making money is 100% interest charged on their loans. Tony Robbins said:

The secret to bankers making money is 100% interest charged on the loan Quote

“You want to know the banker’s secret? Your interest payments will tack on an additional 100% or more to your loan value” — Anthony Robbins


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In this quote, Anthony Robbins seems to be highlighting the significant financial costs that can accumulate from interest on loans, particularly for consumers. A few key points:

  • By referring to the “banker’s secret”, Robbins suggests high interest is quietly adding large hidden fees to loans that consumers may not fully realize.
  • He states emphatically that interest payments alone will increase the total repaid on a loan by “100% or more” of the original principal amount borrowed.
  • This implies half or more of what people ultimately pay back to lenders like banks is actually covering the cost of interest rather than the initial sum lent.

Overall, Robbins appears to be bringing attention to how expensive borrowing can be due to compounding interest costs over time. The quote aims to warn loan recipients about the substantial financial burden that interest payments add, according to his perspective on banking practices and consumer lending.

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