Anna Jarvis: Expensive Gift Day

Posted by admin on Sunday, May 14, 2017

Anna Jarvis Money Quote saying in the 1920’s that gift-giving (like Christmas) shouldn’t be the focus of the day she promoted and protected as the ‘Mother of Mother’s Day’. Anna Jarvis said:
Mother's Day a burdensome, wasteful, expensive gift day that Christmas and other special days have become. Quote

“To have Mother’s Day the burdensome, wasteful, expensive gift day that Christmas and other special days have become, is not our pleasure. If the American people are not willing to protect Mother’s Day from the hordes of money schemers that would overwhelm it with their schemes, then we shall cease having a Mother’s Day” — Anna Jarvis


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In this quote, Anna Jarvis is expressing disappointment that Mother’s Day has become overcommercialized with expensive gifts and schemes by businesses looking to profit. She notes that Mother’s Day has followed the path of Christmas and other holidays in becoming a “burdensome, wasteful, expensive gift day”.

Jarvis is suggesting that lavish, costly gifts were not the original intention for Mother’s Day celebrations. She warns that if Americans do not take a stand to protect Mother’s Day from commercial exploitation focused on high-priced presents and marketing, then the founders of the holiday may decide to stop recognizing Mother’s Day altogether.

Overall, Jarvis appears to feel Mother’s Day has lost its meaningful sentimental spirit and turned into an occasion dominated by consumerism.

Birthday: May 1, 1864 – Death: November 24, 1948

Anna Jarvis Mothers Day Founder

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