Andrew Yang: UBI for Capitalism

Posted by admin on Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Andrew Yang Money Quote saying Universal Basic Income will be required to preserve our capitalistic way of life. Andrew Yang said:
Im a capitalist, and I believe that universal basic income is necessary for capitalism to continue Quote

I’m a capitalist, and I believe that universal basic income is necessary for capitalism to continue
— Andrew Yang


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Andrew Yang is arguing that for capitalism itself to survive and thrive into the future, a universal basic income may be necessary. As a capitalist, Yang believes that capitalism has benefits but that technological changes like automation risk disrupting the job market and economy in ways that could undermine capitalism.

By providing everyone with a basic income, it could ensure people still have money to spend in the economy to drive consumer demand, even as the nature of work changes. So in Yang’s view, a universal basic income could help address challenges to capitalism from trends like automation and allow the capitalist system itself to continue functioning effectively going forward.

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