Alice Paul: Movement Sacrifice

Posted by admin on Friday, January 11, 2019

Alice Paul Money Quote saying she would sacrifice everything important to most women for the suffrage movement and equal voting rights. Alice Paul said:
My feeling about our movement, you see, is that it is so pregnant with possibilities that it is worth sacrificing everything for, leisure, money, reputation and even our lives Quote

“My feeling about our movement, you see, is that it is so pregnant with possibilities that it is worth sacrificing everything for, leisure, money, reputation and even our lives” — Alice Paul


Born January 11, 1885 – Died July 9, 1977


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In this quote, Alice Paul seems to be expressing her deep commitment and belief in the importance of the women’s suffrage movement. Some key points:

  • She refers to the movement as “so pregnant with possibilities”, implying it had great potential to drive significant positive change for women’s rights and roles in society.
  • Paul was willing to sacrifice anything, including comforts like “leisure” and “money”, as well as her “reputation” and even her own “life” if necessary, to advance the cause.
  • This conveys her view that gaining voting rights and equality for women was a cause worth fully dedicating herself to, even at great personal cost, because of how impactful and transformative the movement could be for women.
  • Her quote captures Paul’s sense that the suffrage movement was so vital that no sacrifice was too much to make to help ensure its success in achieving women’s suffrage. She was all-in to see it through.

Overall, the quote reflects Paul’s profound commitment to and belief in the importance and promise of the women’s suffrage movement as something worth devoting herself to completely despite any risks, hardships or losses. For her, it was a struggle justifying any sacrifice.

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