Alfred Montapert on Money Multiplication

Posted by admin on Monday, October 14, 2013

Alfred A. Montapert Money Quotation saying the struggle to become wealthy ends when you become rich as money multiplies once the accumulation is great enough. Alfred A. Montapert said:
Once you are rich you are usually always rich. Money makes money Quote

“Once you are rich you are usually always rich. Money makes money” — Alfred A. Montapert


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In this quote, Alfred A. Montapert is referring to the ability of wealth to beget more wealth through investment and capital accumulation over time. He’s suggesting that once a person becomes rich initially by earning or attaining a large amount of money or assets, they will usually remain rich going forward because their existing wealth can generate further returns simply through being invested or put to productive use.

Montapert’s view is that money has the power to earn additional money, through avenues like interest, dividends, capital gains, returns from businesses owned, and other financial tools that allow the wealthy to see their assets grow without much additional direct effort.

So according to this view, wealth begets more wealth through the power of capital to make passive income and appreciate in value, making it difficult for rich individuals to fall out of affluence once they have attained a high level of initial financial means.

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