Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez: Take Billions

Posted by admin on Sunday, March 1, 2020



Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Money Quote saying that nobody actually earns a billion dollars, they pay others to earn if for them by paying them less than they deserve. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez said:
You made that money off of the backs of undocumented people, you made that money off of the backs of black and brown people being paid under a living wage, you made that money off of the backs of single mothers. No one ever makes a billion dollars. You take a billion dollars Quote


“You made that money off of the backs of undocumented people, you made that money off of the backs of black and brown people being paid under a living wage, you made that money off of the backs of single mothers. No one ever makes a billion dollars. You take a billion dollars” — Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez


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In this quote, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez seems to be criticizing the accumulation of extreme wealth by arguing that billionaires do not earn such vast fortunes entirely through their own individual efforts and talents alone.

By stating billionaires make money “off the backs of undocumented people” paid substandard wages, “off the backs of black and brown people” in similar circumstances, and “off the backs of single mothers”, Ocasio-Cortez implies that socioeconomic inequities and exploitation of vulnerable workers enable the amassing of such large fortunes.

Her additional comment that “no one ever makes a billion dollars. You take a billion dollars” conveys her perspective that attaining billions requires leveraging uneven systems and circumstances beyond just personal merit, initiative or productivity.

Overall, the quote portrays Ocasio-Cortez’s view that immense wealth concentration depends on broader economic and social conditions of inequality, and questions the narrative of the self-made billionaire achieved solely through individual prowess or innovation.

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