Alan Grayson: Poor Rich Americans

Posted by admin on Saturday, March 7, 2015

Alan Grayson Money Quotation saying the GOP have a reputation for looking after interests of wealthy donors, which feed starving campaign coffers. Alan Grayson said:
Alan Grayson Republicans think the biggest problem in America today is that rich people don't have enough money quote

“Republicans think the biggest problem in America today is that rich people don’t have enough money” — Alan Grayson


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Alan Grayson seems to be criticizing the Republican perspective on economic issues in America. Specifically, he implies that Republicans believe the largest issue facing the country (“the biggest problem in America today”) is that wealthy individuals and large corporations (“rich people”) are not making enough profits or accumulating wealth rapidly enough.

By contrasting this view to more pressing problems like economic inequality, poverty, lack of opportunity, or stagnant wages, Grayson’s point is that Republicans have misplaced priorities by focusing primarily on further enriching the rich rather than policies to help working Americans.

Overall, the quote suggests Grayson views Republican economic ideology as overly favorable to the interests of the wealthy at the expense of middle-and-lower income citizens.

1% Own Half the World's Wealth by Steve Sack, The Minneapolis Star Tribune

Steve Sack, The Minneapolis Star Tribune


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